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  现研究组与瑞士联邦水科学技术研究所(Eawag)Urs von Gunten研究组合作,拟招聘博士后研究人员2名,在1)微量污染物的增强氧化去除和2)饮用水输配过程中新型消毒副产物的生成与控制两个方向开展研究。 

  1. 申请条件 




  2. 岗位待遇 

  (1)本研究组现有充足的研究经费与优越的实验条件,博士后将在刘超研究员与Urs von Gunten教授的指导下开展为期2年的研究。 




  3. 招聘程序 



  4. 博士后管理咨询 



  Postdoctoral Fellow Positions at RCEES 

Hybrid Water Treatment Process Research Group (the group) of Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences (RCEES), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is affiliated with State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry and CAS Key Laboratory of Drinking Water Science and Technology. 

Research areas of the group include the development of innovative hybrid water treatment processes, oxidation/disinfection of drinking water and formation/control of disinfection byproducts, water quality in distribution systems. 

Two Postdoctoral Fellow positions are available at the group. In collaboration with Prof. Urs von Gunten’s group at Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), the projects seek to 1) explore enhanced oxidative water treatment techniques for the abatement of micropollutants and 2) investigate the formation and control of emerging disinfection byproducts in distribution systems. 

1. Job Requirements 

1) Candidates earn the PhD degree with major in Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemistry/Chemical Engineering, Material Engineering or a closely-related field no more than 3 years. 

2) The ability to work independently at the group as well as collaborate with graduate students and researchers with team-work spirit. 

3) A strong record of referred journal publications, good English communication, reading, and writing skills. 

2. Benefits 

1) The postdoctoral fellow will work at the group under the supervision of Profs. Chao Liu and Urs von Gunten. Adequate research funds and excellent facilities are available at the group and the position will be funded for two years with possibility of extension. 

2) The postdoctoral fellow is encouraged to apply for the funds from NSFC and “Postdoctoral Innovation Talent Support Program”. The postdoctoral fellow will also enjoy other benefits offered by RCEES. 

3) Outstanding postdoctoral fellow is encouraged to apply for “Special Research Associate program” from CAS. Detailed information can be found at http://www.rcees.ac.cn/tz/rczp/201909/t20190911_5382433.html. 

4) Upon the completion of postdoctoral study, tenured faculty positions at the group can be available for outstanding postdoctoral fellow. 

3. Application procedure 

1) Applications should include a detailed CV (Chinese and English version) including list of publications to chaoliu@rcees.ac.cn. 

2) Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed online. 

4. Contact information 

For benefits of the position and policies for the hiring process, interested candidates can contact Ms. Ren at HR of RCEES. E-mail: hmren@rcees.ac.cn, Phone: +86-10-62849161 

Address: 18 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100085, China


